berita baik..berita baik..berita baik..

kedai cikLUNA berBESARhati tuk adakan SALES pd stiap 2hb pd stiap bulan.. diskaun 15% akan dberikan kepada mommies/daddies yang m'order & mbuat bayaran dlm tempoh 24JAM shj. . & pd 2JUNE , akan diadakan MEGASALES dengan diskaun hingga 25% . & pd 2NOVEMBER pl akan diadakan MEGAMEGASALES hingga 35% . & 50% diskaun pd hri BIGMEGSALES pd 14MARH .. . wow jangan ketinggalan yea.heeheheee... ops belom habis lgi.. 26January kedai cikLUNA nak belanje POSLAJU t&c *harus order & buat bayaran dlm mase 24JAM. (so xble booking awal2 ye mommies/daddies/aunties/uncles) **ops,SALES ni tidak termasuk utk item2 yg dlm kategori clearance stok - PriceCut - Special Sale - Lelong, dan yg swaktu dgnnye..sbb item2 ini sda dpotong harganya!

member akan dapat spesel diskaun.

tanpa kalian, siapa la Rombengan cikLuna.

kepada kawan2 (pelanggan2) Elle yang dulunye follow (membeli) kat amat2lah dhargai follow blog ini pl,harap terus membeli/mnyokong Elle d sini pula ye.
Maaf atas ksulitan, terpakse utk mCeraikan blogshop & blogPersonal atas sebab2 kesesakan

kami jual baju, tapi bukan blogshop ini.

yang mana satu?

sudah mendaftar ini tutorialnye.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

USED - Baby & Toddler Item to Letting-Go!

Graco 3 Way Entertainer Exersaucer with Music (Clearance Price: RM280.00)

Retail Price: RM799
Rombengan cikLuna Price: RM300

USED in good condition.
- no miss any toys.
- piano operater vry well,comes will music.battery included.
- really so many toys to play with...very fun~~~
- its suitable for 6mths and up.

- 3-Position height adjustment grows with your baby.
- Removable activity tray can be used on the go or for floor play For children weighing less than 30 lbs or up to 32 inches tall, able to sit upright unassisted and unable to walk.
- Item has a gentle rocking motion.
- Interactive toys to help develop sensory and motor skills
- Wrap around seat is removable and machine washable
-All metal and plastic parts can be cleaned with regular soap and water

Graco Exersaucer (RM170.00)
USED in good conditions.
-clean n ready to used.
-adjustable n 360 degrees swivel seat, adjustable height, washable fabric and complete toys.
-blue part colour as is condition.
-no music function, doesn't effect at all.
-no broken at all.
**cheaper let go!!!

Lucky Baby Walker Cum Rocker (RM150.00/nego)
USED but till in very good condition.
battery operater very well.
comes w light n sound!

MAMALOVE 2 in 1 Baby Walker (RM90.00)
USED n good condition.
-colour till bright.
-no tears, faded or broken parts.
-can be a walker or change it into a push-to-walk.
- missing 1 hanging toy .
-musics not functioning.

**its not for fussy buyer!!!

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berminat berniaga online/offline dengan modal minima?
atau ingin dress-up anak2? bundle,tpakai tapi tetap bergaya.

kami mjual bundle loose.
1kotak - jeans - RM80/16helai.
1kotak - romper/overall/dress/t-shirt - RM80/20helai.

amat berbaloi bukan?dbawah ini dsertakan sample pakaian bundle.

Bundle Jeans (gambar: sample)

Bundle Jeans (gambar: sample)

Bundle Campur2

Bundle Campur2

Sample Dress/ Overall

Sample Dress/ Overall