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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Learning Apps Tablet - Spirit Pad

Learning Apps Tablet - Spirit Pad

Rombengan cikLuna Price: RM250 (exclude postage)
NOW Pre-Order Price: RM185 (exclude postage)

ORDER : 11th - 21th January 2012
Need RM150 deposit / Full Payment upon booking

Color Available : White/Green | White/Pink
Recommended Age: 6-11years

With the IPAD boom, touch screen tablet PC has become the mainstream, humanized design, strong interactivity, integration of sound and light, which leads the future trend of preschool education. Therefore, in this year, Xing Rong Toys Factory has launched a major new learning apps tablet aiming to bring the kids an interactive learning experience

Rich interface, excellent extensibility

Use high-grade TFT touch screen 4.3

Ultra Slim

Big multi-function button

Dual side anti-slipping design

Hidden stylus is easy to incorporate

Six Major Advantages of Spirit Pad

  1. Adobe Flash authorized edition, stable systems
  2. Smooth appearance, ergonomically designed for kids.
  3. Excellent extensibility, the highest expansion can reach 8 GB, mass storage.
  4. A fully interactive experience
  5. Independent R&D, follow-up resources guaranteed
  6. Systems and contents allow flexible customization

Function Description

Rich function

Excellent Interactive Experience

Built-in interactive e-books

The whole brain development education games

Independent R&D, follow-up resources guaranteed

  1. Customizable system
  2. Open systemeasy connection
  3. Suitable for book publishers, animation companies, children educational agency, to achieve new profit growth point
  4. E-books can be developed according to specific cartoon image
  5. Animation image related education games
  6. Built-in cartoon video
  7. New theme content e-books and games will be sold and customized to ensure the continuous excellent returns of our agents!(Double encryption protect

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